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We equip mission-driven leaders to build cohesive teams and healthy organizations

Many organizations struggle with silos, confusion, and bad meetings. All of these undermine performance, morale and talented people. Grounded in the thought of Patrick Lencioni, Kyle Neilson Consulting equips mission-driven organizations to create highly effective leadership teams and healthy working cultures. Work is an essential dimension of human life and necessary to build the common good–so we want to make work great.

Build a Cohesive Leadership Team

Overcome common dysfunctions which hinder teamwork

Create Clarity

Eliminate confusion and division by answering six critical questions with your team

Over-Communicate Clarity

Ensure all your people are on the same page

Reinforce Clarity

Embed your clarity in how you hire, manage, and run meetings

Organizational health is the multiplier of an organization’s intelligence

– Patrick Lencioni


Working Genius team mini-sessions

Quickly understand your team better, fill gaps in work flow, and improve meetings (2-4 hrs)

90-day leadership team engagements

Establish a solid footing in overall organizational health. Typically includes: Counsel on team composition; In-person facilitated 2-day off-site session to build team cohesion, create clarity, and improve meetings; Coaching and meetings support; Follow-up 1-day off-site session to deepen progress

Next-level team engagements

 Create healthy teamwork and great meetings at other levels of the organization (Similar to the 90-day engagement)

Ongoing team support and development

 Some leaders have enough of a foundation after a few months to persevere in building a healthy organization. Others request regular team off-sites in order to keep them accountable and finely-tuned

Latest Articles

Clarity for the Win: Check out our short free Substack articles

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On Fire

I built a fire with my kids on a recent camping trip. It’s one of my favourite things to do. Everything’s there: planning, timing, proportion, risk, maintenance, reward, heat, smell,…
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My colleague Pavel and I sometimes go on tangents in our team meetings—what we refer to as “rabbit holes.” We’ve been friends for a long time and tend to be…
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Beware False Humility

“It’s a trap!” I’m reminded of this dramatic line from Star Wars when I think about false humility. Because it’s as dangerous as it is subtle.
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Our consultants have extensive formation in both the academic and practical dimensions of mission-driven leadership.


We work with organizations engaged in advocacy and politics, churches and schools, charitable organizations, and mission-driven businesses.

Our 2 days together amounted to months of expedited work. This has been so helpful. I’ve never been a part of a team like this, it’s a dream come true.

Shira BarboneDirector of Student Life, St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral School, Metuchen

Kyle demonstrated great skill as both a facilitator and teacher in leading our team from ‘theory’ to ‘practice’. He adeptly dealt with real-time challenges in ways that confirmed we were in good hands and that allowed us to maximize results, even in our limited time together.

Paul S. MulliganCEO, Catholic Charities Community Services Arizona

We deployed Kyle for our team. He has a great, qualified background and benefitted us all with his process and our involvement. Contact him. Innovative and refreshing!

Terry RayRegional Vice President, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada

Kyle was among my first recruits in 2014 and took to the work quickly, demonstrating skills that distinguished him from others. At the heart of what we do is serving clients by learning their situation rapidly and asking good questions. Kyle does that better than anyone I've ever worked with. I fully endorse Kyle and his work and expect to see amazing things.

Keith BorchersFounder and President, Evangelium Consulting Group

Kyle helped me build an effective and flexible leadership team. He helped us to unlock massive potential and accomplish outcomes we previously never thought possible. I've been recommending him to fellow leaders for years.

Fr. John MuirVicar General, Catholic Diocese of Phoenix

I started working with Kyle over 5 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. At the time I couldn’t have imagined the positive impact he would have on me and the leaders in my school. He has transformed the dynamics of our leadership model and our ability to achieve our goals together. It was nothing short of transformative.

Kevin SmithPrincipal, Holy Trinity School, North Vancouver

Get in Touch with Us

All our work starts with a conversation. Fill out the form below and send us a message to discuss how we might work together.